Friday 25 July 2014

People Have Always Wanted White Teeth

Even though teeth whitening seems to be a relatively new practice people have taken care to make sure their smiles are as attractive as possible for hundreds of years but back then they didn’t have the means that we have today to keep their teeth white. This practice has merely evolved over the centuries. Teeth whitening was commercialized with the arrival of professional barbers who as well as cutting hair were also responsible for pulling out unhealthy teeth. Then these medieval barbers began cleaning teeth for their customers. By the 18th century, barbers also took on the role of dental surgeons. In a somewhat barbaric treatment, the barber would whiten teeth by first filing them down with a metal tool and then rinsing the teeth with nitric acid, a powerful corrosive, to whiten them. The acid made the teeth shiny white but at the same time destroyed tooth enamel leading to soft and rotten teeth. Besides the obvious side effects of this treatment its popularity continued to grow until it became a status symbol for one to have his teeth bleached white with the destructive nitric acid.

Thankfully, nowadays it is easier to have a shiny white smile. Teeth whitening kits are now available allowing you to whiten your smile. The teeth whitening process is a common procedure in general dentistry. According to the FDA, whitening restores natural tooth colour and has become the most requested procedure in cosmetic dentistry today. More than 100 million Americans whiten their teeth one way or another; spending an estimated $15 billion in 2010.

The most commonly used, are Teeth whitening kits, whitening gels with the fitting trays. Whitening gels contain Carbamide peroxide which reacts with the stains and removes them by releasing free radicals that fight the stain. The gel is optimally used with two plastic trays which fit onto the top and bottom jaw. This system is used by filling the trays with the gel and fitting them onto the top and bottom jaw and in most cases left in overnight, depending on the type of gel purchased. Some need longer than others according to the amount of Carbamide peroxide they contain. Whitening strips are another way to achieve a bright smile and are the simplest of teeth whitening methods as the whitening solution is already added by the manufacturer making it easier to apply. However, the strips may not reach all the teeth opposed to the gel and tray system where the gel is more evenly applied thanks to the tray system. In more severe situations whitening light may be used. The plasma light is used to thermally break down the hydrogen peroxide and to speed up the process so as not to need an overnight treatment opposed to the gel. A simpler product used for teeth discoloration are bleaching pens which resemble a type of brush used to apply the whitening component straight onto the surface of the teeth without the assistance of adhesive tapes or trays like using a paintbrush and usually act within 20-30 minutes.

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