Wednesday 9 July 2014

Get Your Teeth Looking Marble White

Has your once perfect marble white smile started going off colored, turning into an ivory or yellow shade and brown stains have started accumulating on the surface of your teeth? And going to the dentist very often has become quite a costly and time consuming affair? Well now thanks to teeth whitening kits it is possible to achieve that white smile that will catch everyone’s eye and keep the attention focused on you.

Browning and staining of the teeth is generally caused by certain foods and drinks like coffee, tea, colas, wines, and certain fruits and vegetables for example, apples and potatoes; Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth. Several diseases can have an effect on the color of your teeth as well as treatments, medications and age advancing.

Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening, is a common procedure in general dentistry. According to the FDA, whitening restores natural tooth color and bleaching whitens beyond the natural color. The teeth whitening procedure has become the most requested procedure in cosmetic dentistry today. More than 100 million Americans whiten their teeth one way or another; spending an estimated $15 billion in 2010.

There are many methods available, such as brushing, teeth bleaching strips, teeth bleaching pen, teeth bleaching gel, and laser bleaching.

Brushing, there are now many special tooth pastes that aim at tooth whitening.

Bleaching gel, Whitening gels which contain Carbamide peroxide are perfect for stained teeth as the chemicals they contain react with the stains and remove them by releasing free radicals that fight the stain. In unison with the gel tray systems two plastic trays which fit onto the top and bottom teeth can be used. This system is used by filling the trays with the gel and fitting them onto the top and bottom jaw and usually left in overnight, depending on the type of gel purchased. Some need longer than others according to the amount of Carbamide peroxide they contain.

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