Showing posts with label affordable Dental Braces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affordable Dental Braces. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Great Teeth Without The “Metal Effect”

Who can forget poor Willy Wonka on “Charlie and the Chocolate factory” the 1964 children's novel by Ronald Dahl's with his huge braces head set? Or those kids in the 80s and 90s with their moths full of metal in order to straighten their teeth? Well, thankfully thanks to Affordable dental braces those days are over!

According to historians, dental braces date back to ancient times. Around 400-300 BC, Hippocrates and Aristotle considered ways to straighten teeth and fix various dental conditions and archaeologists have discovered numerous mummies with what appear to be metal bands wrapped around their teeth. Moving on in time it is worth mentioning that a Roman tomb was found with a number of teeth bound with gold wire documented as a ligature wire, philosopher and physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus first recorded the treatment of teeth by finger pressure. Orthodontics truly began developing in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. When teeth and palate straightening or pulling was used to improve alignment of remaining teeth and had been practiced since early times.  Orthodontics, as a science of its own, did not really exist until the mid-19th century where the application of braces moves the teeth as a result of force and pressure on the teeth. In the case of traditional metal or wire braces, one uses brackets, bonding material, arch wire, and ligature elastic, also called an “O-ring” to help align the teeth. Sometimes springs or rubber bands are used to put more force in a specific direction. Braces have constant pressure, which over time, move teeth into their proper positions. Traditional braces consist of a small bracket that is glued to the front of each tooth and the molars are adjusted with a band that encircles the tooth. Orthodontic services may be provided by any licensed dentist trained in orthodontics. In North America most orthodontic treatment is done by orthodontists. Modern orthodontics makes frequent use of nickel-titanium arch wires and temperature-sensitive materials. When cold, the arch wire is limp and flexible, easily threaded between brackets of any configuration. Once heated to body temperature, the arch wire will stiffen and seek to retain its shape, creating constant light force on the teeth.

Nowadays Affordable dental braces give young and old the ability to fix their teeth in order to get the smile they have always wanted. Invisible or colorful brackets all lead to the same results, straight beautiful teeth. It helps that braces today come in forms and shapes that allow adults to be less conspicuous when wearing braces and also the fact that the price has been lowered allowing affordable dental braces to be constructed. For adults or teenagers that were shy to wear braces there are now affordable dental braces that either show very slightly, the invisible choice, where the brackets and rubber bands are made to match the natural color of your teeth keeping your smile elegant or for those who prefer to add some color to their smile, affordable dental braces now come in array of different colors.       

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Types Of Affordable Dental Braces

Most of us that are in our late twenties, early thirties remember or were that poor kid with their mouth full of metal braces that everyone made fun of. Well those days are over, gone –in most occasions- are the huge mouth pieces that were not only uncomfortable but also extremely anti-aesthetic. Nowadays braces can be elegant and discreet or loud and fun. For young adults and adults there is an “invisible” choice, where the brackets are made to match the natural color of your teeth and for the flamboyant youngsters or those who wish to make a statement, brackets and rubbers now come in an array of different colors. Today's orthodontics has more kinds of braces than ever before.

So, what are the options?

Metal braces/Traditional braces

These are the metal brackets and wires that most that come to mind when we first hear the word "braces." We must keep in mind though, that modern brackets are smaller and less noticeable than the notorious "metal-mouth" braces of the past. Plus, new heat-activated arch wires use your body heat to help teeth move more quickly and less painfully than in the past. These metal braces are the most affordable dental braces and the ones which allow the use of colored rubber bands to make them more fun for kids and motivate them to wear affordabledental braces. They are, however, the most noticeable therefore not a popular choice among those who wish for a less conspicuous solution to their dental issues.

Ceramic Braces

The popular choice for those who are sensitive about their appearance, are ceramic braces. Ceramic affordable dental braces are the same size and shape as metal braces, except that they have tooth-colored or clear brackets that blend in to teeth. Some even use tooth-colored wires to be even less noticeable. These braces are also more popular as they move teeth much faster than clear plastic aligners. The problem with these braces, besides the fact that they are more expensive than metal braces, they can stain easily if patients don’t care for them well.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are for those who wish for their affordable dental braces to be invisible. Lingual braces are the same as traditional metal braces, except that the brackets and wires are placed on the inside of teeth. Lingual Braces however, are difficult to clean; cost more than traditional affordable dental braces; are not appropriate for severe cases and can be more uncomfortable at first. Regular adjustments take longer and are more difficult than with traditional braces.


Invisalign is the choice for those who do not want to wear any form of metal braces. Invisalign consists of a series of 18 to 30 custom-made, mouth guard-like clear plastic aligners. The aligners are removable and are replaced every 2 weeks. Invisalign is almost invisible and patients can eat and drink whatever they want but are only for milder cases and adults or teens. Invisalign is a more expensive choice and the trays can be easily lost and costly to replace. Treatment with Invisalign may potentially take longer

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Smile Like The Cheshire Cat

Affordable dental braces give young and old the ability to fix their teeth in order to get the smile they have always wanted. Invisible or colorful brackets all lead to the same results, straight beautiful teeth.

Nowadays we see quite a few adults wearing dental braces, as they are becoming less of a taboo more and more people are grasping the opportunity to get the smile they have always dreamed of. People are no longer willing to hide their smile because of crooked teeth or anti-aesthetic gaps. It helps that braces today come in forms and shapes that allow adults to be less conspicuous when wearing braces and also the fact that the price has been lowered allowing affordable dental braces to be constructed. 

Dental braces are devices used in orthodontics to straighten and position teeth improving a person's bite, while also improving dental health and hygiene. Dental braces are used to correct under bites, as well as malocclusions, overbites, cross bites, open bites, deep bites, crooked teeth, and various other problems of the teeth and jaws. Braces are used in situations where the goal is cosmetic, the individual chooses to wear braces in order to improve self image and to repair teeth that are not appealing to the eye and in situations when the problem is structural. Braces move the teeth as a result of the application of force and pressure on the teeth by putting steady pressure on the teeth and by making the teeth stay in the correct place for a certain amount of time.  Regular braces are made up of wires and rubber bands that keep pressure on the teeth. The wires on the braces help to move the teeth, while the rubber bands help to correct the alignment, which is the way teeth line up. Because braces put pressure on your teeth, you might feel uncomfortable once in a while, especially right after the orthodontist makes adjustments but it is definitely worth going through minor discomfort for a while so as to get the amazing smile you know you want. One thing that must be kept in mind is that when wearing braces it is important to brush and floss very well.

Braces need to be worn for different lengths in time according to the severity problem, the work that needs to be done or simply how long one’s teeth need to be placed correctly. In most situations, however, the braces may need to be worn for two years. In many cases after the braces come off a patient may need to wear a retainer at certain periods or for a certain length in time so that it is sure that the teeth do not move back into their original positions. Retainers can also be affordable dental braces.

For adults or teenagers that are shy to wear braces there are now affordable dental braces that show very slightly, the invisible choice, where the brackets and rubber bands are made to match the  natural color of your teeth keeping your smile elegant. For those who prefer to add some color to their smile, affordable dental braces now come in array of different colors. You can choose the colors of your favorite football or baseball team or have your braces match your eyes!