Who can forget poor Willy
Wonka on “Charlie and the Chocolate factory” the 1964 children's novel by Ronald
Dahl's with his huge braces head set? Or those kids in the 80s and 90s with
their moths full of metal in order to straighten their teeth? Well, thankfully thanks
to Affordable dental braces those
days are over!
According to
historians, dental braces date back to ancient times. Around 400-300 BC,
Hippocrates and Aristotle considered ways to straighten teeth and fix various
dental conditions and archaeologists have discovered numerous mummies with what
appear to be metal bands wrapped around their teeth. Moving on in time it is
worth mentioning that a Roman tomb was found with a
number of teeth bound with gold wire documented as a ligature wire, philosopher
and physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus first recorded the treatment of teeth by
finger pressure. Orthodontics truly began developing in the 17th, 18th, and
19th centuries. When teeth and palate straightening or pulling was used to
improve alignment of remaining teeth and had been practiced since early
times. Orthodontics, as a science of its
own, did not really exist until the mid-19th century where the application of
braces moves the teeth as a result of force and pressure on the teeth. In the
case of traditional metal or wire braces, one uses brackets, bonding material,
arch wire, and ligature elastic, also called an “O-ring” to help align the
teeth. Sometimes springs or rubber bands are used to put more force in a
specific direction. Braces have constant pressure, which over time, move teeth
into their proper positions. Traditional braces consist of a small bracket that
is glued to the front of each tooth and the molars are adjusted with a band
that encircles the tooth. Orthodontic services may be provided by any licensed
dentist trained in orthodontics. In North America most orthodontic treatment is
done by orthodontists. Modern orthodontics makes frequent use of
nickel-titanium arch wires and temperature-sensitive materials. When cold, the
arch wire is limp and flexible, easily threaded between brackets of any
configuration. Once heated to body temperature, the arch wire will stiffen and
seek to retain its shape, creating constant light force on the teeth.
Nowadays Affordable dental braces give
young and old the ability to fix their teeth in order to get the smile they
have always wanted. Invisible or colorful brackets all lead to the same
results, straight beautiful teeth. It helps that braces today come in forms and
shapes that allow adults to be less conspicuous when wearing braces and also
the fact that the price has been lowered allowing affordable dental braces to be constructed. For adults or teenagers
that were shy to wear braces there are now affordable
dental braces that either show very slightly, the invisible choice, where
the brackets and rubber bands are made to match the natural color of your teeth
keeping your smile elegant or for those who prefer to add some color to their
smile, affordable dental braces now
come in array of different colors.